CCC Grocery Delivery Volunteer Sign-Ups:
Our Mission

The mission of Columbia Community Care is to create authentic connections and community partnerships. We listen, and respond by providing resources and programs, while respecting the inherent dignity of every person.
Our Vision

CCC envisions a community that is healing centered, self-determined, collectively powerful, and economically independent through partnerships and collaboration.
Our Values

CCC Programs

#All This Math
The #AllThisMath Program is a program in partnership with Math Professor Akil Parker. It is available to families in need...
Black Lives Matter at School
We join dozens of organizations across the country in celebrating the Black Lives Matter At School Year of Purpose
Read More...Distribution Sites

Distribution Sites are open
every Saturday 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Sites may close early if items run out

Wilde Lake Interfaith Center

Long Reach Village Center
8775 Cloudleap Ct, Columbia, MD 21045
inside courtyard area across from the laundromat

The Barn @ Oakland Mills
Grocery Delivery

Delivery service is available to families in Howard County without transportation!
You may re-order food 7 days after receiving your last delivery. If you re-order before the 7 days, your order will be deleted and not fulfilled.
Help us Restock

Donations are also accepted at our Headquarters
10750 Little Patuxent Pkwy, Columbia, MD 21044
Wed & Fri: 10am – 3pm | Sat: 9am – 12pm
We DO NOT Accept:
Expired items | Medications | Clothing | Toys | Books | Home furnishing | Egg cartons | Paper grocery bags

Donate through our Amazon Wish List to help keep our new pantry and our 3 sites stocked! Our tax ID # is included in the information on the list for your records! Thank you for your continued generosity!
Did you Know?

23% of the 116,903 households in Howard County fall under the ALICE (Asset Limited Income Constrained Employed) threshold, according to United Way of Central Maryland. That’s 26,887 households!
These are our neighbors who are fully employed and just over the cliff of the federal poverty line ($26,000 for a family of four), meaning that they do not qualify for any social services, yet still cannot make ends meet.
Because Columbia Community Care does not ask for proof of need or identification, our existence has been critical in addressing the urgent needs of the 26,887 households who fall under that ALICE threshold.
Each and every day we rely on generous donors like you to help us continue our work around food insecurity, poverty, and hunger. You help us address inequities in education, health, and access to opportunities, resources and services.
Donations are used to purchase food and resources that we provide at our sites, for our delivery service, and to expand our reach into our many programs and services